Texas Chainsaw 3D Review

Texas-Chainsaw-3D-2I have a confession to make, I’m not a huge fan of Tobe Hooper’s 1974  Classic, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Yes, it had some great frightening and visual moments, but overall I found it very slow paced, not very frightening, and no where near as shocking as the hype made it out to be. Maybe that’s the hype’s fault maybe I’m just retarded. But… I am a huge fan of Hooper’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Marcus Nispel’s Remake, and even Jeff Burr’s Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 (I had a huge crush on Kate Hodge at the time). The rest of them we all know we could have done without.

When I sat down to watch the John Luessenhop directed Texas Chainsaw 3D I didn’t know what to expect. I read some of the reviews just trashing it and it didn’t paint a very pretty picture. However, we all know how the horror genre gets painted in reviews, and like you, I’m sure bad reviews don’t keep you away from some of your favorite franchises.

Texas Chainsaw Movie Review

Texas Chainsaw Movie Review

My opinion of the flick is in the minority (reviews are in fact someone’s opinion,ya know). I really liked this entry. Yes it follows the horror and other franchise typical story-lines, however, it has some cool tricks that you wouldn’t expect. Like it starts off right where the original 1974 film ends. Which includes some cool cameo’s by Gunner Hansen and Bill Moseley. This automatically gets you invested in the story. Another of it’s tricks or twists of course the ending, which I will not spoil for those that have not seen it, is totally original, and some will argue, believable. Leatherface (played by Dan Yeager) is the best Leatherface performance in the franchise. He has to react to situations in this film instead of just act, like in all the others.

On set Texas Chainsaw 3D

On set Texas Chainsaw 3D

The character’s are pretty much your standard fare, not much fleshed out as far as character development or back story. The only character that is well written and rounded out is the lead, Heather Miller (Alexandra Daddario). So she is the only character we really care about and sympathize with, which is fine by us because we can watch Daddario all day on the big screen. She is the best heroine in the franchise, beating out Jessica Biel by a hair. Daddario continues to amaze us as a diverse actress. She was amazing in Bereavement, and she’s certainly someone to watch out for.

Sure Texas Chainsaw 3D has some cheesy moments, but don’t all good horror flicks have a few? This flick certainly wont go down as a horror classic, but it’s extremely fun and entertaining. If you’re on the fence about shelling out some cash to see it, don’t be a fool it’s entertainment well worth paying for.

-Chad Armstrong

One thought on “Texas Chainsaw 3D Review

  1. I wanna say Thank you for this fair review I agree with you 100%, It’s just crazy how people and most of the reviewers would say this is the worst one. It’s like they haven’t seen all the Texas Chainsaw Massacres. out of the 7 including this one. I’d say is round 2nd to 3rd best. and Like you said it’s more fun than anything and Dan did a brilliant job as Leatherface. Playing a character like Leatherface is a Big shoes to fill but he did it. But once again Thank you for this fair Review.

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